Records Services

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Stay in Control of Your Records

We believe in the old adage, “the value of the aircraft lies in the records." As your partner, we work to keep your aircraft documentation accurate and accessible.

With our expert approach, we provide top-notch digital scanning and detailed records audits. Whether it's a quick mid-lease audit or organizing a complete record room, we've got you covered. With an eye on the long-term, we can work with you on finding storage solutions: both physical and digital.

When you entrust Compass with your records services, you're investing in clarity, precision, and peace of mind, ensuring every document is right where it should be, when it should be.

Technical Talent

With a network of 350+ we choose the right people for the right projects.

Project Management

Hundreds of annual projects driven to success with reporting that keeps you up to date.

Technical Expertise

Our extensive technical experience is here to guide your success.

Ready to Assist

Field Records Scanning

Aircraft Acquisition

Mid-Lease Audits

Lease Returns



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